Amtsgericht Meschede (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Arnsberg / Hamm) Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Mnchen Amtsgericht Kempen (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Krefeld / Dsseldorf ) Amtsgericht Senftenberg (Brandeburg / Cottbus) Amtsgericht Eberswalde (Brandenburg / Frankfurt an der Oder) Amtsgericht Hainichen (Sachsen / Chemnitz) Amtsgericht Herne (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bochum / Hamm) Oberverwaltungsgericht Bayern Amtsgericht Sonneberg (Thringen / Meiningen) Amtsgericht Kenzingen (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Freiburg) Oberverwaltungsgericht Schleswig-Holstein Amtsgericht Delmenhorst (Niedersachsen) Arbeitsgericht Bad Hersfeld (Hessen) We help you to find information on the use of our files, photos, films and more. Amtsgericht Rheda-Wiedenbrck (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bielefeld / Hamm) Arbeitsgericht Neumnster (Schleswig-Holstein) Amtsgericht Frth (Hessen) Amtsgericht Gtersloh (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bielefeld / Hamm) Amtsgericht Weiden i.d.OPf. witnesses' names, ages, and relationships to the bride or groom. Oberlandesgericht Dsseldorf (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Entscheidungen des Landgericht Frankfurt am Main (Hessen) Amtsgericht Schwetzingen (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Mannheim) Search the YellowMap Yellow Pages for business phone listings in Germany. Sozialgericht Darmstadt (Hessen) Amtsgericht Amberg (Bayern) When writing for records, first find the modern registrar for your town. Amtsgericht Menden (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Arnsberg / Hamm) Amtsgericht Walsrode (Niedersachsen) Arbeitsgericht Bochum (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hamm) Arbeitsgericht Krefeld (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Dsseldorf) Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (Prosecutor's Office) Arbeitsgericht Neuruppin (Brandenburg) Amtsgericht Strausberg (Brandenburg / Frankfurt an der Oder) Amtsgericht Varel (Niedersachsen) Records of birth, marriage and death are generally kept at the German vital records office (Standesamt) where the event occurred. Age, residence, political allegiance, property, debts, misdemeanors, taxes, adoptions,and guardianship are typical information in German court records. Sozialgericht Mnster (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Amtsgericht Bruchsal (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Karslruhe) Amtsgericht Wolgast (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Stralsund / Rostock ) Amtsgericht Knigswinter (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bonn / Kln) Amtsgericht Linz am Rhein (Rheinland-Pfalz) Amtsgericht Lennestadt (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Siegen / Hamm) Some German cities began keeping records containing birth, marriage, and death information for certain segments of the population in the 1400s, but only a small fraction of Germans are represented in court records. Landgericht Siegen (Nordrhein-Westefalen / Hamm) Sozialgericht Dortmund (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Search by keyword for Consulates and Embassies in Germany and German agencies in other countries. Amtsgericht Mlheim an der Ruhr (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Duisburg / Dsseldorf ) Most civil registers are still located at the local offices, but some are collected in city archives. Amtsgericht Neustrelitz (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Neubrandenburg / Rostock ) which is the exclusive jurisdiction of the State Constitutional Courts. Verwaltungsgericht Kln (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Amtsgericht Hxter (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Paderborn / Hamm) It is responsible for the entire city of Berlin. The researcher needs to systematically check each applicable jurisdiction and all subject headings for potentially helpful records. Arbeitsgericht Oberhausen (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Dsseldorf) Amtsgericht Olpe (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Siegen / Hamm) Verwaltungsgericht Stade (Niedersachsen) Amtsgericht Dorsten (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Essen / Hamm) Amtsgericht Pfaffenhofen a.d.Ilm (Bayern) Amtsgericht Ratingen (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Dsseldorf / Dsseldorf ) Lands of the Federal Republic of Germany database of business registrations, companies, trade registers, associations, and partnerships. Preprinted forms have often been used for civil registration. Amtsgericht Kronach (Bayern) Landgericht Regensburg (Bayern) County Tipperary Census 1901 & 1911. Often they cannot handle genealogical requests, but they can determine whether specific records are available for you or your agent to search. Arbeitsgericht Marburg (Hessen) LAG Stuttgart (Baden-Wurttemberg) Oberlandesgericht Celle (Niedersachsen) The Nuernberg trial records include transcripts of proceedings, prosecution and defense exhibits, interrogation records, document books and court papers, including official court files, minute books, order and judgment books and clemency petitions. In accordance with section1 of the Act on the Central Criminal Register and on the Register of Youth Offences (Federal Central Criminal Register Act) (Gesetz ber das Zentralregister und das Erziehungsregister - Bundeszentralregistergesetz BZRG) of 18March 1971 (Federal Law Gazette [BGBl.] Amtsgericht Duisburg-Ruhrort (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Duisburg / Dsseldorf ) Amtsgericht Krefeld (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Krefeld / Dsseldorf ) Landgericht Bochum (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hamm ) Amtsgericht Wittlich (Rheinland-Pfalz) Amtsgericht Niebll (Schleswig-Holstein / Flensburg) Amtsgericht Zossen (Brandenburg / Potsdam) Additionally, search notices can be deposited in the Register. Oberlandesgericht Zweibrcken (Rheinland-Pfalz). LAG Saarbrucken (Saarland) Amtsgericht Bad Mergentheim (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Ellwangen) Amtsgericht Leutkirch (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Ravensburg) Amtsgericht Brakel (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Paderborn / Hamm) Amtsgericht Chemnitz (Sachsen / Chemnitz) Arbeitsgericht Cottbus (Brandenburg) Herrington. The certificate or book may be in the possession of the family or the civil registrar. Verfassungsgerichtshof des Freistaates Sachsen Amtsgericht Salzgitter (Niedersachsen) The German court system differs from that of some other federations, such as the United States, in that all the trial and appellate courts are state courts while the courts of last resort are federal.All courts may hear cases based on law enacted on the federal level, though there are some areas of law over which the states have exclusive control. are considered to be a private and confidential matter, what is called vertraulich in German. Amtsgericht Stadthagen (Niedersachsen) Sozialgericht Magdeburg (Sachsen-Anhalt) Amtsgericht Cham (Bayern) Amtsgericht Usingen (Hessen) Oberlandesgericht Nrnberg (Bayern) Landgericht Passau (Bayern) (Verfassungsgerichte). Amtsgericht Gemnden a. Sozialgericht Kln (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Amtsgericht Bad Bergzabern (Rheinland-Pfalz) Amtsgericht Weienburg i. Amtsgericht Bitburg (Rheinland-Pfalz) This is only a partial listing of the many German marriages recorded, with the bulk of the records coming from Baden, Bayern, Hessen, Pfalz (Bayern), Preuen, Rhineland, Westfalen . Amtsgericht Stuttgart (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Stuttgart) When you see TV coverage relating to a German trial (be it a civil trial or a criminal court), the footage you may see on TV is made before the judge opens the proceedings. Search for Births and Baptisms recorded in Germany between 1558 and 1898. Amtsgericht Steinfurt (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnster / Hamm) Amtsgericht Stadtroda (Thringen / Gera) The Amtsgerichte are the lowest level in the German Federal Court system. The Register holds judgments of the criminal courts which have become final, as well as certain rulings of the guardianship courts and administrative authorities, and - after an assessment entailing a comparison of laws - foreign criminal convictions handed down against Germans or against foreigners living in Germany. Amtsgericht Bad Waldsee (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Ravensburg) Amtsgericht Rheinbach (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bonn / Kln) Amtsgericht Neubrandenburg (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Neubrandenburg / Rostock ) Amtsgericht Elmshorn (Schleswig-Holstein / Itzehoe) Landgericht Krefeld (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Dsseldorf ) Entscheidungen der hessischen Gerichte Amtsgericht Duisburg (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Duisburg / Dsseldorf ) Amtsgericht Borken (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnster / Hamm) Amtsgericht Sinzig (Rheinland-Pfalz) Amtsgericht Merseburg (Sachsen-Anhalt / Halle) Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Mosbach) Landgericht Berlin Amtsgericht Kandel (Rheinland-Pfalz) Ordinary Courts make up the greatest number of courts in Germany. Internationaler Seegerichtshof Hamburg Amtsgericht Wismar (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Schwerin / Rostock ) Often there is a clause what should happen in case of death of either spouse. Landgericht Marburg (Hessen) Death records are especially helpful because they may provide important information on a person's birth, spouse, and parents. Below is a collection of links to free online databases of judicial opinions ( Entscheidungen) that are available through Germany's court websites. Landgericht Ravensburg (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart) Verfassungsgerichtshofs des Saarlandes. Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Berlin Amtsgericht Essen-Borbeck (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Essen / Hamm) Amtsgericht Cloppenburg (Niedersachsen) Amtsgericht Weienfels (Sachsen-Anhalt / Halle) Amtsgericht Bocholt (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnster / Hamm) Arbeitsgericht Erfurt (Thringen) Landgericht Mnster (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hamm) Amtsgericht Gronau (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnster / Hamm) You may also find archive inventories that describe the record-keeping systems and available civil registration records in Germany (see Germany Archives and Libraries). Amtsgericht Memmingen (Bayern) Sozialgericht Lbeck (Schleswig-Holstein) Arbeitsgericht Herford (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hamm) Amtsgericht Simmern (Rheinland-Pfalz) Verwaltungsgericht Mnchen (Bayern) Amtsgericht Baden-Baden (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Baden-Baden) In addition, under Brussels Regulation No. Amtsgericht Cottbus (Brandenburg / Cottbus) Amtsgericht Bad Urach (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Tbingen) Entscheidungen des Gerichte Berlin-Brandenburg Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Hamburg Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig (Niedersachsen) Amtsgericht Darmstadt (Hessen) Amtsgericht Prenzlau (Brandenburg / Neuruppin) Amtsgericht Neustadt a.d. Aisch (Bayern) Instead, one must write to the court and ask for a copy of the specific judgment (against payment of a court fee and reimbursement for costs). Arbeitsgericht Mnchengladbach (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Dsseldorf) In German only. Often aging parents are involved because the young couple will take over their possessions. Amtsgericht Knigstein (Hessen) Verwaltungsgericht Sigmaringen (Baden-Wurttemberg) Amtsgericht Tuttlingen (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Rottweil) Amtsgericht Burgdorf (Niedersachsen) Arbeitsgericht Lbeck (Schleswig-Holstein) Amtsgericht Wesel (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Duisburg / Dsseldorf ) (nameofcity).de where you can find the contact information for the appropriate Standesamt and request a copy of your birth or marriage certificate. Amtsgericht Neustadt an der Weinstrae (Rheinland-Pfalz) Oberlandesgericht Dresden (Sachsen) Amtsgericht Lbben (Brandenburg / Cottbus) The Judge overseeing this case is DEBERRY, MICHAEL D.. Arbeitsgericht Mannheim Kammern Heidelberg (Baden-Wurttemberg) However in places where records are online, the records recently made public may have not yet been placed online. To view some digitized records you may need to be at a FSC or Affiliate Library, or be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Amtsgericht Kthen (Sachsen-Anhalt / Dessau-Rolau ) Landgericht Halle (Sachsen-Anhalt) LAG Sachsen-Anhalt Verwaltungsgericht Freiburg (Baden-Wurttemberg) Amtsgericht Laufen (Bayern) Simply reading this blog does, of course, not result in any attorney client relationship between you and Graf & Partners. Not so in Germany! Whereas it is not a duty for each state to set up a State Constitutional Court, Amtsgericht Dippoldiswalde (Sachsen / Dresden) Amtsgericht Warstein (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Arnsberg / Hamm) Amtsgericht Bayreuth (Bayern) Amtsgericht Schnau (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Waldshut-Tiengen) Amtsgericht Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Niedersachsen) Amtsgericht Daun (Rheinland-Pfalz) Amtsgericht Brilon (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Arnsberg / Hamm) Addresses of civil registration offices in formerly German areas of Poland, along with an inventory of available German civil registration records, are found in:Brzka, Tomascz. Landgericht Offenburg (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe) Sozialgericht Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) Each state used a different format for civil registration. Use this German Federal Ministry of the law service to browse for Federal and State laws and regulations. Oberverwaltungsgericht fr das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Verwaltungsgerichte: Amtsgericht Oschersleben (Sachsen-Anhalt / Magdeburg) Raymond also answers to Raymond C German and Raymond German Raymond, and perhaps a couple of other names. Amtsgericht Horb am Neckar (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Rottweil) Arbeitsgericht Bamberg Kammer Coburg (Bayern / Nurnberg) Verwaltungsgericht Schleswig (Schleswig-Holstein) Search court records only after you have tried all other record types first. Amtsgericht Mitte (Berlin) Landgericht Trier (Rheinland-Pfalz) It is indicated by the abbreviation "StdA". Amtsgericht Rotenburg (Niedersachsen) Amtsgericht Schleiden (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Aachen / Kln) Arbeitsgericht Heilbronn (Baden-Wurttemberg) In German only. Landgericht Konstanz (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe) The assistance offered includes support in making maintenance claims across borders, as well as help in cross-border child abduction cases and with international adoption.