100 or 100.00) will be successful. This might be a member ID, order number, GUID or some other identifier. This will hide the reference field and produce a generic reference upon submission. You must check the PaymentStatus to determine the outcome of the transaction. Either the PaymentID or BankReceiptID must be provided. If you do not already have a digital key, you can contact partner@ezidebit.com.au (including details of your organisation as well as our client that you are developing the integration for) and request one for testing purposes. A standard two or three digit code that provides detail on the outcome of a refund. Payment receipt ID issued bythe bank if the payment was able to reach the bank for processing. numbers, this is designed to be a simpler, human-friendly the state of the form. Ezidebit has a dedicated Integration Services team who can work with you on the design and validation of your planned integration to ensure it meets all PCI and banking requirements. The look and feel of the page can be customised via the Ezidebit Online portal to more closely align to a clients own branding. that the redirection will use the HTTP Method specified in the Please contact, System is currently unavailable. Ezid, Im not going to waste my time with your internal complaints team hiding behind loopholes, Ill be stating facts and claiming excessive late fees with fair training and the ombudsman. Where system based identifiers (YourSystemReference) can be complex numbers, this is designed to be a simpler, human-friendly number. Minimum fee amount that can be applied. If a non-zero value is supplied, the payment schedule will consist of LimitToNumberOfPayments payments of PaymentAmountInCents each. EziDebit - Deadly Digits Help and Support Centre Use of these methods must be approved by Ezidebit and evidence of existing PCI compliance must be provided (Certificate of Attestation or Self Assessment Questionnaire D). This method allows you to process a refund for a real-time credit card payment or a direct debit payment from a bank account/credit card. We provide bank level security and Level 1 PCI DSS compliance so your data is always safe with Ezidebit. When supplied, it will match payments where the appropriate date field is up to and including the supplied date. Since the SUCCESS criteria for a scheduled direct debit payment is set when the payment is deposited to the client, the combination of, Refunds will only appear in the response if the functionality has been enabled in the Ezidebit account. The following form fields are submitted by you to our hosted payments page when your customer is sent to our website to make the payment. Invalid credit card number entered - Your product range does not include xxxxxxx. parameter. ** See section below, Return Values & Response Code, for specific details about the function of this parameter. The amount to debit from your payer in cents. frequencies by default. Ezidebit Team. Only specific cents values will return valid responses. Test card details for your test transactions - Opayo EziDebit - Reckon Help and Support Centre Valid values are: EzidebitCustomerId, YourSystemReference, YourGeneralReference, CustomerCreationDate. exact If an empty string or blank is provided as a value for a parameter in this method, then the relating database field will be updated with the empty value, i.e. Your status is xxxxx and it doesn't enable you to use the API. EziDebit Service Agreement. The number provided by Ezidebit for the customer. The Check Digit Routine (e.g. They refuse to provide me with even the name of the bank that I need to follow this up on let alone a reference number or more information. Nothing contained in the by this call. Remainder of contract defined schedule continues unchanged (default). In these cases, the transaction will be reversed against the member record in Ezidebit with return code 91 or 92. All transaction fees can be paid by the business or passed down to your customers. They only need to fill in their particulars and payment details - one-off amount and/or recurring debits as well as frequency of payments are pre-filled into the submission form. The payment amount value that you originallysent through the submission page. Failed.Original payment is still being processed. If you would like to debit smaller amounts please amil partner@ezidebit.com.au. based identifiers (YourSystemReference) can be complex When the Account Widget is included in a standalone application that is installed on the users computer, the users include the appropriate Secure Sockets Libraries in your application to facilitate this. The fee rate applied to the payment amount. (Must be a value from defined list of possible values). a failed payment fee is payable by me/us to Ezidebit. I / We authorise Ezidebit Pty Ltd ACN 096 902 813 (User ID No 165969) to debit my/our account at the Financial Institution identified above through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) in accordance with the Debit Arrangement stated . A list of possible values is provided in Batch Responses, The original receipt number supplied by the banking system for real-time credit cards or BPAY payments. to identify the starting point for the change, but not both. This form has our Service Agreement attached to this for customers to be clear and transparent about any fees/charges and how debits work with our company to help avoid this fee. system has a $2.00 minimum debit amount. The returned CRN will be your BPAY Sub Biller Code, Payer Reference Number and the calculated check digit. This Digital Key will differ from their production (live) environment Digital Key; NEVER use real credit card or bank account details in the test environment. Paper Direct Debit Request (provided by Ezidebit with live account set up), Customised online sign up page, subject to approval by Ezidebit prior to go live, Web service (requires use of embeddable widget or a client side method for capture of bank account/credit card details). If this parameter is not included, the customer and card details are saved. the Payers schedule will be payment number 2 Invalid value provided for the SmsExpiredCard parameter. With Ezidebit, you can collect regular recurring, BPAY and real-time card payments using a simple reporting and reconciliation tool. Whilst a Customer has a non-processing status, no debits will be attempted against their payment method by Ezidebit. FAQ - What payment types are accepted by Wise-Pay? Hi Mervyn,Ezidebit works on behalf of businesses that debit their clients for services they provide. Ezidebit relies on the response received by your customers bank when requesting payments. The total amount of funds debited from your Customers payment method. If appropriate, the day of the month on which the Customer will be debited. By adding automated payments to your business, you will have a steady stream of income and greater certainty over you cash flow. Ezidebit customer accounts could be suspended . wish to search on later. encrypted. You agree that, if you fail to pay when a payment is due, you must immediately pay the amount owing. For scheduled direct debit transactions, this will be the date that the payment was processed and sent to the Customers financial institution to be deducted. Direct Debits: $1.10 AU/$0.90 NZ (incl GST) Visa/Mastercard: 2.20% (min $1. The field in the ChangeScheduledAmount response will be either: This method allows you to change the debit date for a single payment in a Customers payment schedule. This method is used to add a single payment to the Customers payment schedule to be debited on the date provided in the DebitDate field. Monday in the third week of every month), The frequency is applied to the payment scheduled beginning from the date defined in ScheduledStartDate, (Must be a character from defined list of possible values). Which method you use will depend on the level of complexity you wish to implement in your websites encoding to pass data into the hosted payment page for payment processing. A common billing failure reason for facilities using Ezidebit as their billing provider is "Add payment denied - Only active customers can have payments added to their schedule". A useful action would be to store the Ezidebit customer ID into a hidden field and then to submit the form to your server, The method name of some client side code to execute when the operation failed, or the form failed validation. ll businesses who use Ezidebit for their customers. We have a sample pack of HTML pages that you can download or check out a few implementations: View the source or download the files to see how they work. Customers whose bank account number ends in a '3 will have their test payment(s) dishonoured as Incorrect Bank Account/Credit Card Number (Fatal Dishonour) and the customer record will be moved to a non-processing status. The Ezidebit fees and charges are all listed publicly on our website. Invalid value provided for the ChangeFromPaymentNumber parameter. Patient Payments powered by Ezidebit is currently unavailable. You should check the value of the Error field. For example: https://widget.demo.ezidebit.com.au/account/view?dk=49A67D1B-DF3F-4013-B13A-A5E9E41E8873&cr=99999, https://widget.demo.ezidebit.com.au/account/edit?dk=49A67D1B-DF3F-4013-B13A-A5E9E41E8873&cr=99999. Is EziPay safe? The payment reference that was assigned when the payment was added. When reactivating a customer using this method, any previously added payments that have not yet been debited will be inactivated and therefore not taken. The client side element name that is capturing the customer mobile number (usually an input of type text). Add payment denied - This customer is on hold due to invalid bank account details and these account details have not been changed. When a scheduled payment becomes due, it will be debited from the payment method recorded against that customer at that point in time. In regions where it is not possible to have a Global Payments or Ezidebit merchant, then we will gladly substitute an alternative provider. A useful action would be to store the bank receipt ID in a hidden field and then submit the form to your server. The system has a $2.00 minimum debit amount. Our web-based app can be easily integrated with your existing business software. 'C While this is lower than the failure rate for credit cards (7.9%) or digital wallet payments (11.5%), it's still something you need to carefully manage as part of your overall business strategy. (dishonoured) - Payment has been dishonoured by the Customers financial institution due to insufficient funds. ensure any individual payments that have been added to To show either weekly or monthly the value of this parameter would be determined by: * If an error has occurred, it will be indicated by a The payment method that is being used to debit the customer. The Ezidebit fees and charges are all listed publicly on our website. Below are a number of important points that you should keep in mind when using the Electronic Direct Debit Request: Below is a list of all of the possible query string parameters that can be used with the eDDR URL to initialise the form. Specifying this parameter will display data entry fields of First Name and Last Name for a Person, or Company Name for a Company. Set up automated billing for subscriptions and payment plans with multiple payment options including bank direct debit, debit card and credit card. This form has our Service Agreement attached to this for customers to be clear and transparent about any fees/charges and how debits work with our company to help avoid this fee. If this is left blank, the customer will be flagged in Ezidebits system as a business. The total amount of funds debited from your Customers payment method. BankFailedReason will contain a value of 'Late Return, DebitDate will contain the date the reversal is processed, PaymentAmount will contain the amount adjusted as a negative value (where transaction fees were paid by the member, these will be included in this value), ScheduledAmount will contain the amount of the adjustment, excluding any fees that were originally passed on to the member, PaymentReference will contain the reference of the original payment, For American Express an expiry date of 05/21 must be used to simulate a successful transaction.