@Jonathan Gunnell Hey Jon! This is where the glass will be installed. Fiberglass-mesh tape is self-adhesive and can be applied directly to the drywall seams without first applying a layer of mud. Using the breaking point where the floor tile is flat and the slope toward the drain begins. 31. There will be a schluter deco sg (SG100AE12) channel in the middle of the top of the pony wall, embedded in the tiled top for the glass panel. The sanding dust, while not toxic, can irritate lungs and eyes, so it's important to wear a dust mask and eye protection while sanding. Please call Schluter-Systems Can I install Schluter-KERDI over drywall in my tiled shower?
DIYers often have trouble applying just enough mud when taping, and over-application makes it necessary to do a considerable amount of sanding to get the joints perfectly smooth. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. The corners are painted to match the straight pieces of Drywall Ceiling Transition to Drywall trim for a . 1. R-value is a measure of thermal resistance used in the building and construction industry, which depends primarily Can I install glass tile over Schluter-KERDI-BOARD? Some professionals omit sanding entirely, simply using a wallboard knife to knock down raised areas of the dried compound. Butthey extended the cold water line to the toilet so I need to do some rerouting of that water line down below the subfloor and then back up to the original supply location. My floor tiles are 2" x 2"." - Lisa Jasper No - you can not use Kerdi Board on the floor. Calculate your building panels for a quick and easy waterproof installation. Abut the individual panels over the center of the studs or other solid backing. Schluter Kerdi-Drain Grate Kit, 4" Tileable. 4. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Im installing Schluter-KERDI over drywall in my shower. The reason this seam ought to be covered is so that it can create an anchor or support for the Kerdi band we are going to install later. Determine desired location and trace around the outside of the KERDI-BOARD-SN flange, making sure the lines are level and plumb. Countertop edges may be finished with the KERDI-BOARD-ZC brushed stainless steel U-profile and corresponding Schluter-QUADEC or Schluter-RONDEC, RONDEC-CT, or RONDEC-STEP profiles. Before you even create a seamless transition between these two materials, you must cover the seam. Note: If the bond between the thin-set mortar and substrate is questionable, additional mechanical attachment with the KERDI-BOARD-ZSD anchors or KERDI-BOARD-ZT washers and corresponding screws is required. I will have a shower wall of kerdi board coming out and making an outside corner with drywall. i could post a pic if that helps. However, if you doubt your skills, you can always hire an expert contractor who will follow the above procedure and create a flawless transition between the Kerdi board and drywall. The cost of such a renovation would be high, and if other walls in that room wont be exposed to moisture, there is no need to replace the drywall with Kerdi board. This can be achieved by sandwiching the panel between adjacent KERDI-BOARD panels, fixed building elements, etc. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. There are special corner drywall knives made for this purpose, but you can also apply compound and cover the tape using a standard 6-inch wallboard knife. Then I laid tile. Depending on which type of purple drywall you choose, a 4- by 8-foot panel typically costs between $15 and $60 (high-impact and sound-breaking options are available). Apply thin-set mortar to the substrate and/or onto KERDI-BOARD with a notched trowel. It will be subsequent layers of mud applied with a wide wallboard knife that raises out the joints so they are perfectly flush with the surrounding panel areas. I love the tile choices. Sheetrock is a popular brand of drywall, which is why you often hear the name used interchangeably with drywall. View Full Version : Kerdi board / Drywall outside corner. Certain glass tiles may not be compatible with bonded waterproofing applications and/or may require special setting materials. Remove all surface contaminants from the substrate that may weaken the bond. My shower is constructed from kerdi board. If the transition features Kerdi board slightly overlapping drywall, it wont be level. There are inside corner beads that are mudded into interior corners, as well as outside corner beads that are applied to outside corners. Next, scoop some mud into a compound tray. Other trowel-applied covering materials, such as plaster, can also be used. https://www.schluter.com/schluter-us/en_US/Profiles/Movement-Joint-Profiles/Perimeter-Joints/Schluter%C2%AE-DILEX-BWA/p/DILEX_BWA. In general, it is recommended that the tile be at least 5/16" (8 mm) -thick and extend approximately 1-1/2" (38 mm) beyond the fixture hardware on all sides. Note: Water testing of the assembly
I am going to put the schluter profile on the edge of the kerdi band but overlapping the exposed edge of the drywall. Position KERDI-BOARD on the framing and press a washer into the board every 12 inches up the stud location. Create a fully waterproof and vapor-tight enclosure for tiled bathtub and acrylic shower base surrounds. I am actually very proud of how well it came out, being my first ever vertical tiling effort. When the process is done correctly, the wall surface will be perfectly smooth, the joints will be invisible to the naked eye, and the finished drywall surface will be ready for paint or a textured finish. Seal the countertop/backsplash transition with Schluter-KERDI-BAND using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar. Schluter-KERDI-BOARD is a multifunctional tile substrate and building panel, which can also be used for creating bonded waterproofing assemblies with tile coverings. KERDI-BOARD is not intended for exterior applications. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Press KERDI fully into the bond coat. Interested to hear your strategy. $15.40. Clean the tools and put the lid back on the bucket of mud. Will this happen on all showers? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I was going for a marble slab look and that was the best way to go about it. Customers also search. @Tundra Finish Works LLC brings up an excellent point about how the trim terminates around the dining room ( at door and window casings). What do you think? Fasteners are installed after the thin-set mortar has hardened. But you will incur an extra cost for their services. Why is it so easy to peel it off the wall today? If you dont want to deal with transitions, that would mean you have to rip out all the drywall and replace it with Kerdi Board. Yes uphill also. The possibility can be eliminated. What I would be most scared off is the fact that no inside or outside corners appear to have been used. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? Which folks on Houzz call Schluter for some reason. California Specification 01350 is referenced by various green building standards and rating systems. Note: Please refer to the Walls and Countertops Profiles data sheet for additional information on profiles, including installation instructions. But its not recommendable because the transition wont be flush. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? coarse thread wood screw for wood studs and self-tapping for metal studs) and corresponding KERDI-BOARD-ZT washers. Fasten all corners and limit fastener spacing to 12" (30 cm) o.c. Additional material may be removed from the underside of the KERDI-BOARD to allow installation of the fixture hardware. I was thinking of the kerdi board overlapping the edge of the drywall. Note: When using the prefabricated shelf, determine the desired height of the shelf and mark with a level line. I also did corner shelves like that, but the slightly elongated schluter ones. If so I would talk to tile company and ask if they have edging in this style. Use of KERDI-BOARD in non-bearing partition wall systems Minimum board thickness = 2" (50 mm)1. You can run the final row of tile over the joint between the Denshield and of the drywall. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Generally, Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar is used. It's been a 'long term' project after all. . Send us an email: , tileletter-unique-ceramic-tile-applications, tileletter-shower-bathroom-renovations-college, Technical Bulletin - Wet Shim KERDI-BOARD, Using a Prefabricated Shower Tray and Ramp, Fosters creativity in the construction of bonded waterproofing assemblies to be tiled, Build custom vanities, shelving units, countertops, bathtub surrounds, and so much more, Replaces other suitable solid backing panels (i.e. When creating the above transition, the side with the Kerdi board should be the one that is exposed to moisture because it is waterproof. Immediately press the paper tape into the mud, centered over the joint. I found this discussion while researching how to transition from kerdi-board to drywall on top of a pony wall. Find the website that's made specifically for you. The best place to do that would be on the Kerdi Board. The countertop/backsplash transition may be finished with one of the Schluter-DILEX cove-shaped profiles. Keep in mind you did use foam board. Schluter Systems KERDI BOARD SB Triangular Shower Bench 22-5/8 W x 16 D x 20 H , Model: KBSB410TA. When building a shower or a kitchen, its normal to come across scenarios where the Kerdi board meets the drywall. There are two methods to seal KERDI to a bathtub. BTW.the best investment I made for tiling was a suction cup. To allow for greater movement, the center section of the KERDI-FLEX can be tucked into the cavity of the expansion joint prior to bonding. Hopefully photos will help explain. Here's a pic of the kerdi shower. As long as the transition has been perfectly constructed, you can tile over it. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. Tile will go right to that. Use a 6-inch taping knife to apply a layer of compound thick enough to fill and cover the mesh surface, but again you will still be able to see the fiberglass fibers at this point. I've got plenty of extra drywall so that won't be an issue. A wet sander is a textured sponge designed to smooth wallboard joints without dry sanding. I did this before putting the last row of tile up which made it pretty simple. rev2023.3.3.43278. The walls were easier because I had tile wrapping around the corner so I just taped and thinset those and tiled overtop. KERDI-BOARD is adhered directly to base cabinets using the Schluter-KERDI-FIX adhesive. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. But I can't picture how that would look.or how I would keep all the mud off the painters tape, especially when I pull it off if the compound had dried. Find the website that's made specifically for you. Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? The colour is different. I accidentally poked a hole through the Schluter-KERDI while installing the membrane. Remove any air pockets. Sep 10, 2017 Generally your finish tile, whether bull nose or Kerdi strip will overlap onto the sheetrock, forming a seam of its own. I do wish one or two of the full tiles was oriented differently, but when you're right up close to 24" tile it's hard to see the big picture. I made sure to keep the tile side completely clear of mortar. The KERDI-BOARD-SN should be stored flat. The gridlines, which are printed on the surface, are helpful for neat and quick cuts and installation. Continue with Recommended Cookies. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. How did you end up handling the outside corner? Yup I just put the schluter profile right on the edge of the kerdi board. I have vinyl corner bead but I'm not sure how to properly attach it to hardi. There wasn't enough of a gap to need to mud it, the caulk did it. Yes. Part of the taping and mudding process includes sanding the dried compound (mud) to smooth the edges, For skilled professionals, sanding is minimal, but DIYers may find that sanding is surprisingly complicated and messy. Normally you would get something like the picture below to cover the side of the tile. Prior to setting tile, wait 24 hours to allow for final set of the mortar before testing to ensure waterproof performance of the assembly at seams and connections. For most installations of KERDI-BOARD, tile can be installed right away. The size of your selected tile will determine if it's a issue that needs addressing. KERDI was developed as a waterproofing membrane to be used in conjunction with ceramic and stone tile coverings. One of these? Avoid the temptation to over-sand, as it is easy to sand down into the tape. Manage Settings I can only provide advice according to TCNA standards. When assembling material for creating this transition, make sure that you use the Kerdi band. For inside and outside corners, adhere pre-formed KERDI-KERECK-F corners. We are working on a similar transition. With heavy coats, this can require overnight drying, but with light coats in arid weather conditions, drying may take just an hour or so. Insert the niche and fasten to the studs using wood or metal screws and KERDI-BOARD-ZT washers, placing the fasteners along the seam between the KERDI-BOARD and the niche. Cover the joints with KERDI-FLEX. It is designed to fill in the major gaps. How "tidy" does the kerdi band need to be? Your existing cornerbead remains in tact and the Kerdi band covers the vertical joint. all good? 6. ncdu: What's going on with this second size column? Spread the drywall mud evenly until its smooth. http://www.stencilease.com/db/index.asp?catagory=wall%20and%20floor&mkwid=hzg2uMDE&pcrid=7586268226&pkw=stencil%20for%20walls&pmt=be&pdv=c. Yes, you can, but it will be expensive and time-consuming. This may be ensured by making holes in the KERDI-BOARD at the desired fastener locations prior to applying mortar spots. Is it known that BQP is not contained within NP? Cross your fingers and hope it's all OK. Not the best Kerdi Showcase. You don't need to make the wainscoting 5 feet. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. If you have found yourself in the above scenario, here is an in-depth guide on transitioning from Kerdi board to drywall. Joint compound is available in premixed and powdered forms. Choose a notched trowel to match the tile format, and back-butter the tiles, if necessary, to attain full coverage. Fab Glass and Mirror Round Lighted LED Bathroom Mirror 39-in . Continuing Education for Architects & Designers. Mutually exclusive execution using std::atomic? The edges of drywall panels are slightly recessed as they are manufactured, allowing the paper tape to lay just slightly below the outer surface as it is applied. Choosing the Best Type of Drywall Compound, How to Successfully Mud and Tape Drywall Yourself, Drywall Hanging Pattern for Ceilings and Walls, 7 Drywall Supplies You Need for Your Project, How to Fill Screw or Nail Holes in Drywall. I will just end up painting it. Schluter-KERDI is a pliable, sheet-applied, bonded waterproof membrane and vapor retarder with limited crack-bridging capabilities.
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