Clauson AL, Newton What are the advantages and disadvantages of primary literature in this scenario? The mother has recently been prescribed levofloxacin for treatment of an infection. Take a look at all you need to know about dr robert galarowicz nd reviews health and fitness. To preface, PubMed is the one resource on this list that is best understood if you have some sort of medical background. Articles identified in PubMed can be easily ordered from that database through this system. DA, Smoyer Drug information resources.pdf - 12/24/2020 Drug - Course Hero Drug PowerPoint Presentation | Studymonk There are several types of publications considered primary, including controlled trials, cohort studies, case series, and case reports. MW, Borron Active surveillance - Sentinel sites, drug event monitoring and registries. If the information obtained in the tertiary resources is not recent or comprehensive enough, a secondary database may be employed to direct the reader to review primary literature articles that might provide more insight into the topic. This resource could be especially helpful for obtaining difficult to access literature if a product is newly approved or for identifying a possible rare adverse drug reaction. Several helpful charts are also available, including look-alike/sound-alike medications, pregnancy categories, normal lab values, as well as common pharmacy calculations. Information about individual state pharmacy law is best obtained through the individual state boards of pharmacy. All lessons are based on national science and education standards and were developed by scientists from leading universities and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. } 2W;14dJl2]XG:qy0jq8MQ/@xM.oE&;jM,`L>s aEaTN(vu7,,";aa0!g~B}ME,} as. Drug prescribing in renal failure. SM. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. The recipient(s) will receive an email message that includes a link to the selected article. If a question involves, for example, a recent news story reporting the removal of a medication from the market, a logical first place to find initial information would be to identify the original news story. 37th ed. The electronic resource has also partnered with the USP Verified program to indicate which supplements have been certified to contain a quality product by USP Verified. St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer Health; 2012. This site is a government maintained resource describing ongoing research in the area of dietary supplements, as well as detailing efficacy information currently available. Generally, the best method to find drug-related information includes a stepwise approach moving first through: -Tertiary References then - Secondary References and finally - Primary References Often, search for DI may not require the use of all three types of resources. PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV when taken as prescribed. So a possible search strategy may be to use the terms ginkgo, ginkgo biloba, the Latin name Ginkgoaceae, as well as the misspelled word gingko. This same principle holds true when considering disease states whose names may have changed over time. This covers the clinical application of pharmacokinetics and also addresses the impact of pharmacogenetics on drug metabolism. Not all literature published in a journal is classified as primary literature, for example, review articles or editorials are not primary literature. There are also resources to support owners of diabetic animals. This resource is available electronically at, Products are indexed by common name and information is provided regarding action, usage, dosage, and other clinically useful information. As technological advances continue, which may change the face of physical pharmacy dispensing and compounding, reliance on pharmacists for information retrieval and interpretation will continue to grow. 2023 . As consumers become more active and educated in their health care and disease management and more computer literate, the demand for health information sources designed for consumers has been increasing. Popular PNG Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2013. In addition to the original PDR, there are a variety of focused editions, including the PDRfor Herbal Medicines, PDRfor Nutritional Supplements, PDRfor Ophthalmic Medicines, PDRfor Nonprescription Drugs. DC. J. Harrisons principles of internal medicine. Primary resources: Primary resources include published meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, observational trials, and case reports. SP, Felton MJ. All potential sources of information should be considered. NF, Billups American Pharmacists Association, This text provides information about preparation of sterile and nonsterile dosage forms. DL, Berardi Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Recipients may need to check their spam filters or confirm that the address is safe. For example, a very well-written and comprehensive therapeutics text may have very limited use in providing information regarding pharmacokinetics of a specific drug. Drug information slideshare by P. vara lakshmi, Systematic approach to answer Poison Information Query, pharmacist patient education and counseling, Systematic approach in answering DI queries request, Definition and scope of Pharmacoepidemiology, Workshop 2: Benchmarking solutions showcase, 14drugs acting on respiratory system expectorants, respiratory stimulants, 13drugs acting on respiratory system anti asthmatics, Lecture pharmacology of calcium metabolism, LOCALIZATION OF INFARCT RELATED CORONARY ARTERIES.pptx, CALIBRATION ON THE C111 presentation.pptx, Unlocking the Secret to Optimal Oral Health, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. This focuses on the impact food may have on mediations and also highlights what foods should be avoided with specific medications. Truven Health Analytics, This resource primarily contains data regarding prescription and OTC product availability and pricing. Thompson Reuters Medical, Coverage includes drug-related information, including drug use and development. 2002;22:1036-40. Information on evaluating Web sites is discussed further in Chapter 5. There are comparative monographs of drug classes to help discern differences between agents of the same class. There is also information about common extemporaneous preparations. We've encountered a problem, please try again. JA. Create a poster (word document or ppt slide) about a drug: Include the following information: Describe this altered state of Expert Help Study Resources It can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy and . Philadelphia (PA): Saunders/Elsevier; 2012. These terms might include clonidine, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and adolescents. 6th ed. There are some general tenets to keep in mind when evaluating this type of literature. The term is most often applied to the Earth or some parts of Earth. PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99%. 15th ed. This system is available through the NLM and offered for a fee to any user. A-Z Drug Index for Prescription and OTC Medications. The LiverTox site is meant as a resource for both physicians and patients as well as for clinical academicians and researchers who . Micromedex: Drug Interaction . Evaluate resources to determine appropriateness of information. Pharmaceutical Press, This classic text contains information about all aspects of pharmacy practice. LA, McGuire A listing of all FDA-approved animal drug products, also known as the Green Book, is available and searchable at this site. Information is provided regarding common compounding techniques and ingredients. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. This type of literature can be used for multiple purposes; one can be to help keep a practitioner keep abreast of recently published information91 or to help find more recent or detailed information on a specified treatment or disease. The content filters are specific to the drug or disease state being searched. It is available in text and electronic formats. Pharmacists should also be aware that more resources are becoming available in a variety of formats. Boca Raton (FL): CRC; 2007. Amarillo (TX): Hale Pub; 2012. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2010. Updates on the judicious use of antibiotics in food producing animals are posted at this site. Additionally, the emergence of completely new fields of practice, such as pharmacogenomics, offer opportunities for pharmacists to apply their training in less traditional roles. Drugs during pregnancy and lactation: treatment options and risk assessment. However, some databases may not recognize the term adolescent and instead use the term pediatric or child. W, Erush Please try again later or contact an administrator at What are the issuing agencies for device identifiers in the US? Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This reference contains brief entries, indexed by product and generic name, with information about product use, available dosage forms and sizes, and manufacturer information. This section also contains information about common side effects and dosage forms available. Please review before submitting. This resource is available for the intranet, as well as via CD-ROM and the Internet. What to do in an emergency; 10 ways to deal with peer pressure; 3. Stimulated reporting. What is your strategy to find the meaning and relevance of this term? Also, limited information about stability is available. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. See Figure 32 for a graphic presentation of this search. 5. 7th ed. Anniversary specials. Information about etiology, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis is provided. Information is organized by disease state and color-coded to speed usage. JL, Higbee Pharmacists are often expected to respond to questions about these topics and provide recommendations as to management of patients using these therapies. In addition to more traditional DICs, drug manufacturers have medication information departments that serve as a source of drug information for the products that the manufacturer produces. Edinburg (TX): W. B. Saunders; 2009. It is always better to look before leaping. MJ, Clauson Drug Information Resources Tertiary Resources. Drug Information Drug addiction (substance use disorder) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic At times even well-designed searches of standard medical literature do not yield sufficient information to make clinical decisions or recommendations. 6. Table 32 lists resources that may be useful for specific categories of drug information requests. These operators are similar to AND; however, they require the terms to be within a set number of words of each other. Tertiary drug resources were used by the majority. Locate adverse event reporting information on FDA's website 3. The resource includes a variety of topic areas including palliative care and toxicology information. Meylers side effects of drugs: the international encyclopedia of adverse drug reactions and interactions. Also, other resources, including experts or specialists in particular areas of practice, may need to be consulted. Bethesda (MD): American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2012. The operator NOT would be helpful if a user wants to exclude certain topics, for example, a specific disease state. McGraw-Hill Professional, This text focuses on the management of a variety of disease states, centering on the diseases most likely to be seen by pharmacists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. LibGuides: Pharmacy Resources: Drug Information Resources Slide 4 Additional information about this program is available at 4th ed. St. Louis (MO): Wolters Kluwer; 2012. Washington, DC: American Pharmacists Association; 2012. Special attention has been paid to including the international as well as domestic information. PDF ISMP Safe Practice Guidelines for Adult IV Push Medications This resource is available via hard copy, online, and for mobile devices. Washington, DC: US National Institutes of Health [cited 1 Mar 2013]. Katzung Wecker Principles of pharmacology: the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy. Both provide rapid information regarding severity and likelihood of an interaction and actions needed to minimize this risk based on the case studies and primary literature available. Example: Am J Health Syst Pharm. Drug Information Resources. ET, Kellerman RS, Goldfrank McGraw-Hill Professional, This text focuses on the management of a variety of disease states. Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) updates are available that detail the prohibited use of drugs in certain animal populations. The paper text is divided into two volumes and also includes a companion CD-ROM. The type of requestor may also substantially influence the resources used to respond to a question. One general text about federal law is listed below. Do not sell or share my personal information. This resource also has accompanying texts: Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach and Pharmacotherapy Handbook. Rockville (MD): United States Pharmacopeia; c19972008 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. A practical guide to contemporary pharmacy practice. Prepare Your Workplace | SAMHSA Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This text includes information about disease states and treatment options. Applied biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics. Food medication interactions. For this assignment, you will select a drug from the list below and create a PowerPoint Presentation. You have not heard of this. Many resources that have been traditionally available only in a paper text are now accessible via a variety of electronic formats. Weston (FL): Intelligent Content Corp; c1999; 2013 [cited 1 Mar 2013]. The Basic Resources for Pharmacy Education listing distributed by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) 1 was utilized in selecting the resources described in this chapter; additional commonly used resources in drug information 2 were also included. MM, Arcara Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Your pharmacy has just begun offering these services and in the dialog the veterinarian references AMDUCA. Get Study is the perfect place to find resources and information for all your academic needs. 17th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, As the title implies, this text (often referred to as Briggs) focuses exclusively on information available about the use of medications in pregnant or lactating women. Natural standard [Internet]. The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2011. Trissels stability of compounded formulations. Elsevier Publishing, This reference which is updated annually serves as a companion to the text Meylers Side Effects of Drugs. Pronsky Rosenberg Lexicomp Electronic searches generally use the Boolean operators: AND, OR, and NOT (see Figure 31). Drug addiction can start with experimental use of a recreational drug in social situations, and, for some people, the drug use becomes more frequent. 2149 0 obj <>stream The focus of this publication is the economic impact of disease states and medical interventions. The SlideShare family just got bigger. PDF What is prescription (Rx) drug abuse? - Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Tapping on the "Next" button in the drug list screen will bring you to the drug list screen of the next same level subcategory or the subcategory screen of the next higher level subcategory. 12th ed. AHFS Drug Information is available in paper format (updated annually), an excerpted paper format (AHFS DIEssentials), and a mobile drug reference version. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Academic Press; 2007. A sample search is provided in Appendix 31. Goldman Drug information resources - SlideShare AS, Van Additionally, Internet searches may be useful for topics that have recently been in the news, where information is changing more rapidly than standard paper resources can be updated. There are a limited number of journals covered and not all articles from a specific journal issue are included (i.e., some articles may not be included if the editorial staff did not feel that they had sufficient focus on relevant drug or disease state information). RK. Which resources would be useful for her project? 9th ed. This resource focuses on compatibility information. In general, it should be noted that some of the utility of mobile device apps is the ability to embed links to additional content and resources. What is DailyMed? Information & Resources Learn more about pharmaceutical safety and the science of pharmacovigilance The following pages are a free information resource presented by PrimeVigilance to aid in the general education of pharmaceutical safety and the science of pharmacovigilance. Google, An Internet search engine that is designed to target scholarly materials available online, in a variety of professional areas including health care. Catalog of teratogenic agents. REPOTOX [Internet]. McGraw-Hill Professional Medical Publishing, This resource is designed to serve as a textbook rather than a quick resource for toxicology information. There is a special section of each monograph addressing concerns specific to the geriatric population. EBSCOhost, This is an indexing service that covers primarily literature in the fields of nursing and allied health. From this site,, pharmacists can read about the latest developments in One Medicine, public health issues affecting human and veterinary patients, peer-reviewed journal articles, and legal/regulatory issues and recent developments in veterinary medicine. A physician is seeking information about the use of chondroitin in the management of osteoarthritis. Drug Information Centers (DICs) - [PPTX Powerpoint] - VDOCUMENT The provision of drug information is continually expanding into new areas and technologies, which may impact selection of resources. LexisNexis,, indexes a variety of newswire stories as well as transcripts of news reports. These disadvantages include misleading conclusions based on only one trial without the context of other research, the need to have good skills in medical literature evaluation, and the time needed to evaluate the large volume of literature available. Chapter 5: Literature Evaluation II: Beyond the Basics. Philadelphia (PA): Saunders; 2012. It is also possible that information in a tertiary text may be incomplete, due to either space limitations of the resource or incomplete literature searches by the author. JE. Additionally information regarding Internet pharmacies and electronic transmission of prescriptions has been added. DerMarderosian Practitioners must not, however, be satisfied with merely identifying sources for drug information. Differences in practice settings, available funding, patient populations seen, and types of information most commonly needed, all impact which tertiary resources should be available at a specific practice site. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006. Topic 4 Assessment Practice - YouTube 5th grade - Various articles and essays . Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 5e, (required - use a semicolon to separate multiple addresses). Pets with Diabetes [homepage on the Internet].
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