G. Seasonal decorations with lights in place no longer than sixty (60) days. The City of Round Rocks Design and Construction Standards shall apply for all public facilities within the City limits and ETJ of Liberty Hill. Performance Bond. A contiguous legally-created lot, parcel, outlot, outparcel or residue owned and recorded as the property of the same persons, or controlled by a single entity. Any monuments disturbed or destroyed during roadway construction shall be reestablished in conformance with the provisions of this Code by a licensed land surveyor. Initial Default Zoning. C. A development for which an approval or permit has been issued pursuant to this Code shall be considered to be in process as set forth below: D. A complete building permit application has been submitted or, if no building permit is required, a certificate of occupancy has been issued. I. If any section or part of this Code is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Code but shall be confined in its operation to the specific sections of this Code that are held unconstitutional or invalid. TxDOT. Except for lots along an approved cul-de-sac or where it is impracticable, all lots must be provided service connections from a looped water main providing water flow from two directions or sources. Nonconforming Sign. The first application must be submitted within twelve (18) [sic] months from the date site plan approval is granted. Building Official. The notice is deemed delivered when deposited in the United States Postal mail, with postage paid to the last known address of the party responsible for such sign. Liberty, South Carolina, is a city of 3,200 people, located in Pickens County in the northwestern corner of the state. Do not create disturbing or offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat, glare, unhealthy or unsightly condition, traffic, or parking problem; B. Canopy. A. If the City Council has approved the plat, the City Administrator or his designee has approved the construction plans, and the subdivider has either posted fiscal surety and assurance of construction, or completed the required infrastructure and public improvements, the final plat becomes the instrument to be recorded in the Office of the County Clerk when all requirements have been met. A type of multifamily dwelling with a common entrance and common amenities, such as garages, yards, and utilities. Development Requiring Multiple Approvals. 1. The base flood elevation plus one foot. Build-to Line. An application for Consent Agreement Approval may be approved subject to compliance with requirements of a Consent Agreement. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the proposed lot(s) or development is connected to a water supply system which is capable of providing adequate water for health and emergency purposes. Water service must be sufficient to meet the fire flow requirements of the proposed development, except where a suitable alternative means of fire protection is approved by the City Volunteer Fire Department Chief, or his designee, and the City Engineer. Typical conditions may include an excessive number of applications received by the City during a certain period of time, inadequate staff time due to temporary limitations of personnel resources or lack of availability of a required professional staff member such as the City Engineer. Mobile Home Park.. Any site, lot, parcel, or tract of land that is improved, used, or intended for the accommodation of mobile homes that are used for living purposes. The square foot area enclosed by the perimeter of the sign. Final action on the PUD includes final action on the proposed development agreement. Development. The City Council or other review authority holding the public hearing may approve or recommend action on the application subject to the suggested changes being made and incorporated into the new application. The Planning and Zoning Commission may establish conditions for approval, including, but not limited to: G. street improvements and dedications. Boarding and care services for dogs, cats and similar small animals. The City Council shall make a final decision on any variance request from floodplain or stormwater management regulations. The vertical distance measured from the finished grade elevation to the highest point of the underside of the building beams, in the case of a flat roof; to the deck line of a mansard roof; and to the mean level of the under side of rafters between the eaves and the ridge of a gable, hip, or gambrel roof. 4. Minor subdivisions in which all lots are fifteen (15) acres or larger. Gross Floor Area. All sites above floodplains and away from them. ft. duplex multifamily lots within a high-density urban residential neighborhood (and modify the widths and setbacks), H. Max Lot Coverage = Total amount of impervious cover per lot (including building and impervious areas). Standard Specifications ManualSupplement 12 - 2022Online content updated on February 14, 2023. The City Administrator is responsible for final action on Administrative Plat Reviews. Major Collector. In case of a rejection, the City Administrator shall specify in the rejection the sections of the Chapter or applicable plan with which the sign(s) is inconsistent. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Said bonds or letters of credit shall be in the amount of at least twenty (20) percent of the total construction cost. S. Prior to filing an appeal with a competent court of record, any party to an appeal may request that alternative resolution of the dispute be attempted. Any previous written interpretations. Applicants may file multiple applications for nonconcurrent actions/approvals. Appearance and Nuisances. The character of these developments is residential neighborhoods, protected from incompatible uses, and is provided with necessary and adequate facilities and services. Adult Service Business means an adult encounter parlor, adult retreat, nude modeling studio, or a commercial enterprise that holds itself out to be primarily in the business of offering a service that is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. To establish a permit system to allow a variety of types of signs in commercial and industrial zones and a limited variety of signs in other zones, subject to the standards and the permit procedures of this Section.[;]. A more or less self-contained biological community together with the physical environment in which the communitys organisms occur. Person. The City may participate in the costs of improvements required by this section in order to achieve proportionality between the traffic impacts created by the proposed development and the obligation to provide adequate roadways. 4. The parkland shall be dedicated to the city by general warranty deed, and acceptable evidence of clear title and evidence that all taxes have been paid shall be furnished by the city. C. Nonconforming Signs that do not comply with the City Construction Code shall be subject to enforcement under the Construction Code, as well as this Section. The City Council is responsible for final action on applications for Conditional Use Permits. These uses and the districts where they may locate are listed in Section 4.09. B. The fifth anniversary of the effective date of Chapter 245 of the Local Government Code; or, B. G. Notwithstanding any other provisions of Chapter 4, any legal nonconforming use of property existing as of the date of adoption of this Code that does not conform with the regulations prescribed in the UDC of the City of Liberty Hill, shall be deemed a nonconforming use, subject to the provisions contained in this section. The Future Land Use Map should be consulted for areas located outside of the current City Limits of Liberty Hill in order to determine the recommended use(s) of land for a specific area. Map depicting floodways and special flood hazard areas which that [sic] are regulated by this Ordinance Code [sic]. Fiscal surety is for the purpose of securing the estimated cost of completing capital improvements, should the City find it necessary to complete the improvements instead of the landowner or developer. Generally a PUD is understood as a parcel of land or contiguous parcels of land of a size sufficient to create its own environment, controlled by a single landowner or by a group of landowners in common agreement as to control, to be developed as a single entity, the environment of which is compatible with adjacent parcels and the intent of the zoning district or districts in which it is located; the developer or developers may be granted relief from specific land use regulations and design standards, and may be awarded certain premiums in return for assurance of any overall quality of development, including any special feature which that [sic] will be of exceptional benefit to the community as a whole and which that [sic] would not otherwise be required by this Ordinance Code [sic]. The City Administrator shall review all certificates prior to issuance to ensure it clearly indicates the term and conditions (indicated above) required for the continuation of the recognition of the vested rights. Agricultural (AG). Seasonally Flooded Water Regime. These signs may not be posted earlier than three weeks before and must be removed within one day after the event; 10. Whenever the requirements of this Code are in conflict with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, or ordinances, the requirement that is most restrictive or that imposes higher standards as determined by the City Council will apply. F. Application must be made in a format consistent with requirements determined by the City Administrator. A condition where landforms or biological communities, or both, have developed by natural process in the absence of human intervention. The City desires to assure both that development impacts are mitigated through contributions of street rights-of-way and transportation system improvements and that new development contribute their fair share of the costs of transportation improvements. The following shall be deemed violations under this Code and constitute sufficient grounds for the City to take enforcement actions and pursue the penalties as specified below. Parapet. Any dedicated area where a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, road, avenue, alley or other vehicular use facility is or will be constructed for public use. GPS may be used as supporting documentation only and the datum source must be referenced. The following are automotive and equipment use types: Automotive Washing. 2. Also, light manufacturing activities and research facilities. E. A plat submitted for consideration as a final plat must have an area or signature block for any endorsement and approval by the City Administrator, as required to file the final plat with the county clerk. Reject the sign permit if the sign(s) that is the subject of the application fails in any way to conform to requirements of the Section and the applicable Master or Common Signage Plan. Manufactured Home, HUD Code. Modular residence construction shall be in accordance with the Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act and shall include the plumbing, heating/air conditioning and electrical systems to be contained in the structure. Fiscal Surety. A Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) is a human scale, walk able community with moderate to high residential densities and a mixed use core. Standards for the placement and anchoring of manufactured housing apply in this district. However, overly bright lighting emitted from a structure will be subject to this Code if it is determined by the City Administrator that it creates a nuisance or a safety hazard as defined in the References section of this Code. The amount of such cash payments shall be in accordance with the provisions set out in this section. Lot Coverage. The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining any vehicular use area in good condition and free of refuse, debris, and vehicles that have not been driven for two weeks or longer, and all landscaping in a healthy and growing condition, replacing it when necessary as specified in the approved site development permit. Freestanding signs may have more than one section, one of which may be changeable. Divisions of land created by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. That the conditions that create the need for the variance do not generally apply to other property in the vicinity. Dwelling Attached. One room, or rooms connected together, constituting a separate, independent housekeeping establishment for human occupancy, or rental or lease on a weekly, monthly or longer basis, and physically separated from any other rooms or dwelling units which may be in the same structure, and containing independent cooking and sleeping facilities. (5) The area shall not be subject to any reservation of record, encumbrances of any kind, or easements which will interfere with the use of the land for park or recreational purposes. Preliminary Plats are required for land being divided into separate parcels, plats with six or more lots, and any plats that require a dedication of land to the City. Comprehensive Plan. (b) The subdividers of all residential subdivision of more than four single-family lots shall be required to provide for the parkland needs of future residents through the clear fee simple dedication of suitable land for park and recreational purposes. The impervious cover standards are essential in order to manage or avoid the adverse problems of excessive quantity and degraded quality of urban stormwater runoff, increased erosion of downstream channels and waterways, reduced interception and absorption of rainfall and runoff by the soil and vegetative cover, increased reradiating of excessive heat from large pavement surfaces, and other related problems that can arise as a result of intensive urban development. The party responsible for the sign shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall (a) forfeit both the sign and any permit associated with the sign; and (b) pay the fines set by the court, not to exceed the fines specified by this Code for each violation. For thoroughfares that currently are or will in the future be located alongside a property boundary, the property owner shall dedicate and improve, as a minimum, one-half of the right-of-way necessary to meet the specification of future thoroughfares contained in the Comprehensive Plan or the City or County Thoroughfare Plan as adopted or amended by the City Council from time to time. Suspended Sign. The scoping meeting may occur during any required preapplication conference, but may also be scheduled after an initial preapplication meeting. All text amendments shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. D. Signs and Attention-Attracting Devices. Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of broadcasting and other information relay services accomplished through the use of electronic and telephonic mechanisms but excluding those classified as Major Utility Facilities. The landowner or developer shall provide the City Administrator with a certifiable receipt showing that all taxes have been paid in conjunction with the submittal of an application for final plat approval or site development permit issuance. The number of dwelling units divided by the gross area of the lot reflected as a number of units per acre. Public Water - Oriented Recreation. A Zoning Verification Letter does not vest the property owner with permission to proceed with a development; does not specify requirements that must be met for future development; and does not include a determination that a tract of land may be developed. Design Standards and Standard Details for Construction | City of Morgan Zero lot line development allows single-family residential buildings (including town homes and garden apartments) as part of a subdivision to be built to the side property line. A. H. The Board of Adjustment is responsible for final action. A junk or salvage yard includes an auto wrecking yard, but does not include uses established entirely within enclosed buildings. Any decision to amend the Official Zoning Map shall be made based on the criteria in Chapter 2 and 3. A commercial sign identifying more than one business or organization located on the premises. The temporary use must be compatible with the purpose and intent of this Code and the zoning district in where it will be located. If the City Administrator fails to establish review periods for each procedure, the default review period will be ninety (90) days unless State law imposes a shorter period, in which event the shorter period will prevail. The City Administrator may include additional information about the uses and standards required for a development to proceed, however, and such additional information does not constitute permission to proceed with development. A. Applicability. Outdoor Sports and Recreation. Vehicle. Buffering applies to all development except single-family construction adjacent to residential zoned property. The termination of, or termination of an interest in, an easement, right-of-way, or public dedication of land. The decision of the City Council shall be final. 5. Construction that involves paving or other impervious surface alteration of one thousand (1,000) square feet; or modifications to a drainage channel or pipe or other storm drainage feature with a catchments area, whether on site or off site, less than or equal to five (5) acres, may be reviewed and permitted by the City Engineer, without requiring City Council approval. Traffic Circulation. Lot, Corner. A sign that advertises or solicits support for a nonprofit community use, public use or social institution. 5. Retail sales, veterinary services, grooming, boarding when totally within a building, of dogs, cats, birds, fish, and similar small animals customarily used as household pets. Critical Root Zone (CRZ). Design Standards For your downloading convenience, the Design Standards have been broken up by section. Substantial Damage. Arterial. (m) Any land that is dedicated as parkland and is disturbed during construction of the subdivision must be restored by the developer to its original condition or better prior to release of fiscal for the subdivision. B. All landscaping shall not obstruct pedestrian, bicycle or vehicular traffic. Typical uses include boarding kennels, pet motels, or dog training centers. Meet the minimum lot requirements of at least one type of lot described in this Chapter; B. Each subsequent application must be submitted within twelve (18) [sic] months from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the previous building or phase. A. Applicability. In the case of adjacent frontage or service roads for state and federally designated highways, the property owner shall dedicate sufficient right-of-way and make authorized improvements in order to provide an adequate road network to serve the development. Dilapidated Sign. D. Where, due to topographic conditions, permanent structures, or other conditions, the view is obstructed between any two adjacent monuments, intermediate monuments shall be set as to assure a clear view between adjacent monuments. Zoning Overlay District. Notice of suspension or revocation of a variance or special use permit shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the permit holder of the variance or special use permit. 2. C. Building Setbacks. The GIS interface for the City is ArcView (an ESRI Product). Vehicle Sales. D. The final decision on the application was based on a material mistake of fact. The following rules describe administration of time requirements. A. A tentative drawing made by a licensed surveyor or registered engineer for inspection purposes only, showing the entire tract of land for which subdivision is sought. The uses permitted on the property, including population densities and/or building intensities and height; iv. Sign Area. All construction of public infrastructure shall be designed and submitted to the office of the City Engineer according to the requirements set forth in the City of Liberty Design Criteria and Technical Specifications. Comprehensive Utility Plan. Any motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer, or watercraft that is inoperative and left unattended on public or private property; or that has remained illegally on public or private property; or that has remained on public or private property and (a) does not display valid registration plates or (b) displays registration plates of another vehicle. The temporary use shall be compatible in intensity, appearance and operation with surrounding land uses in the area, and it shall not impair the usefulness, enjoyment or value of adjacent property due to the generation of excessive noise, dust, smoke, glare, spillover lighting, or other forms of environmental or visual pollution. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL. Components and processes present in or produced by nature, including but not limited to, soil types, geology, slopes, vegetation, surface water, drainage patterns, aquifers, recharge areas, climate, floodplains, aquatic life, and wildlife. (f) All land proposed for dedication as parkland that is located in a floodplain area shall: (1) Be easily accessible and have adequate street frontage; (2) Have any alteration of its natural character and that of its waterway approved by the parks board and city; (3) Be at least 100 feet in width, or of a width acceptable to the parks board and the city; (4) Have a configuration and topography suitable for placement of facilities such as playgrounds, picnic facilities, and open playfields.
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